Where We Are

The Vermillion River and tributaries are small streams with moderate flows, meandering through farmland, forest, and developed areas. It’s a great place to paddle a canoe, cast a lure, watch birds, and enjoy nature.
Most property along the river is privately owned and not open for public use. However, agencies within the watershed have established parks, trails, river public access points, hunting and fishing areas, and wildlife protection areas for access by the public. Check our pages in the sidebar for recreational opportunities!
DNR Lands
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) owns and manages several areas in the watershed for the protection of wildlife, aquatic species, and plants. Hunting and fishing is allowed in some of these protected areas, which include:
- Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), part of Minnesota’s outdoor recreation system to protect lands and waters that have a high potential for wildlife production, public hunting, trapping, fishing, and other compatible recreational uses;
- Aquatic Management Areas (AMAs), areas acquired along shorelines to provide angler and management access, protect critical shoreland habitat, and provide areas for education and research; and
- Scientific and Natural Areas (SNA), areas acquired to preserve natural features and rare resources of exceptional scientific and educational value.
Parks, Greenways, and Lakes
Dakota County Parks within (or connected to) the Vermillion River Watershed provide a range of recreational opportunities for all ages including demonstrations, community events, equipment rentals, and naturalist-led classes. Parks in the VRWJPO include:
- Lebanon Hills Regional Park
- Spring Lake Park Reserve
- Whitetail Woods Regional Park
- Dakota Woods Dog Park
- Mississippi River Regional Trail
Dakota County also manages a series of greenways, which are interconnected open space corridors providing access to natural resources. Current and planned greenways in the Vermillion River Watershed include:
- North Creek Greenway
- Lake Marion Greenway
- Vermillion River Greenway (Hastings)
- Vermillion Highlands Greenway
- Rosemount Greenway
- Central Greenway
The watershed includes more than 75 city parks and several recreational lakes managed by cities that offer a variety of activities and amenities. VRWJPO and partners have worked together to improve and protect water quality in many of these lakes. Lakes include:
- Alimagnet Lake
- Cobblestone Lake
- East Lake
- Empire Lake
- Farquar Lake
- Lake Isabelle
- Long Lake
- Lake Marion
- Lake Rebecca
- Valley Lake