June 1, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
DNR Vermillion River Aquatic Management Area (Kummer)
North side of Dakota Co. Rd 66
about 0.42 miles east of Hwy 52
North side of Dakota Co. Rd 66
about 0.42 miles east of Hwy 52
Vermillion River-Kummer AMA Habitat Day
This event is part of Twin Cities Trout Unlimited’s Vermillion River Initiative-a focus on protecting and enhancing this cold water stream so near to the Twin Cities! Join us TCTU as they help the DNR continue to restore the Vermillion River & this Aquatic Management Area for wildlife.
Work will include:
-Removing buckthorn, other invasive species and boxelders
-Dragging and dropping the brush into piles
-Picking up any trash we find
Bring heavy work gloves and a willingness to work hard.
There won’t be any in-water work, but we’ll be able to keep our eyes open for trout!
In case this is cancelled, the back-up day will be June 8, same time and place.