Community Advisory Committee

A nine-member Community Advisory Committee (CAC) consists of eight residents from Dakota County and one from Scott County. The CAC guides implementation of the Watershed Plan, annual work plans, and budget through recommendations to the Joint Powers Board. The current members are: Jim Kotz (Rosemount), Josh Borton (Farmington), Steve Hamrick (Lakeville), Andy Riesgraf (Apple Valley), Sandra Weber (Castle Rock Township), Brad Blackett (Apple Valley), and Kevin Chamberlain (Nininger Township).

To be eligible to serve on the CAC, you must live in Dakota or Scott County. There is currently one position open for Scott County. Apply to the CAC by completing an application form for advisory groups in the county where you live: Scott County or Dakota County.

The CAC meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of February, May, August, and November at 4:30 p.m. in Conference Room A at the Dakota County Extension and Conservation Center in Farmington. Check our online calendar for upcoming meeting dates.

Jim Kotz
Jim KotzChair
Josh Borton
Josh BortonVice Chair
Steve Hamrick
Steve Hamrick
Andy Riesgraf
Andy Riesgraf
Sandra Weber
Sandra Weber
Brad Blackett
Brad Blackett
Kevin Chamberlain
Kevin Chamberlain